Homeless Advocacy Project (HAP)
Homeless Advocacy Project (HAP)
The Homeless Advocacy Project (HAP) may be able to help you if you have legal issues and are homeless, or threatened with homelessness, especially if you have a disability or minor children living with you. HAP also provides supportive social services to its legal clients to address underlying psychosocial needs. HAP primarily assists clients with federal disability and other benefit issues; eviction prevention; and immigration documentation.
Things to Know:
Visit Us At:
Legal Assistance with Applications for SSI, and issues related to SSI applications; Eviction Defense; Immigration Documentation.
Languages Spoken:
Spanish, Vietnamese, Mandarin.
What to Bring:
Any documents related to your case (eviction papers; social security notices).
None if low-income.
Homeless or at risk of homelessness, with priority to individuals who have mental health disabilities and families.
Faith Based: