Survivor Restoration Program (SRP)
Survivor Restoration Program (SRP)
SRP provides advocacy and support services for survivors of domestic and random violence whose perpetrators are participating in SFSD custody and community offender programs. SRP case managers assist survivors and coordinate referrals for safety planning and crisis interventions. SRP provides referrals and works in collaboration with appropriate agencies such as the DA’s victim services, hospitals, housing, shelters, welfare offices, immigration, legal, employment, and financial institutions along with community based organizations as needed. Survivors are supported while navigating through family, criminal, civil appearances and other criminal justice and city agencies. SRP’s goals are to empower and transition clients to our Survivor Empowerment Program. SRP advocates are committed through trainings, presentations and the Survivor Impact program to raise awareness in our communities of the many challenges that survivors face and to increase sensitivity. SRP also raises awareness on the importance of Restorative Justice Programs that hold offenders accountable, repair the harm caused, survivor restoration, empowerment, and community involvement for both.
Things to Know:
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