Interrupt, Predict, & Organize (IPO)
Interrupt, Predict, & Organize (IPO)
The San Francisco Mayor's Office has implemented the IPO/TAY Employment Program to focus on at risk or in-risk transitional age youth 18-25 years-old that reside in high crime neighborhoods of the City. The program is a collaboration of Arribo Juntos (AJ), Young Community Developers (YCD), the Mayor's Office of Violence Prevention Services, the Adult Probation Department, Human Services Agency, the Office of Economic and Workforce Development (OEWD), and other city partners and community based organizations. IPO TAY is a 12 month employment, education, behavioral health services, and barrier remediation program..
Things to Know:
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Employment; Case Management.
Languages Spoken:
Referrals are made exclusively by SFAPD, the San Francisco Police Department, and Street Violence Intervention Program. Candidates must be 18 – 25 and have had convictions of a serious, violent or gun related nature. Additionally, the Mayor’s Office identifies a neighborhood of focus for each cohort.
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